Frequently Asked Questions
How do I contact the Sheriff?
To contact Sheriff Brown, you may call 912-764-1743 or by email at
How do I get a copy of an incident or accident report?
To obtain a copy of a private property accident report or incident report, click here or come by the Sheriff’s Office Monday-Friday between 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM and pick up your report. If you are not a party to the accident/incident, you may not be able to obtain the report. The Bulloch County Sheriff’s Office complies with the Georgia Open Records Act, and certain information may cost the requestor charges of research and reproduction of records as provided by law. If you were involved in an accident that the Georgia State Patrol investigated, you must contact them to obtain a copy of your report. GSP Post #45 912-681-8593.
How do I have my home checked while I am on vacation?
The Sheriff’s Office will conduct security checks of a residence at the request of individuals who plan on being away from their home for vacation or other purposes. To request a security check please contact our dispatcher at 912-764-1771 or click here to fill out a security check form.
How can I contact an inmate?
Inmate Phone Service:
Customer Service Number: 877-618-3516
Schedule Video Visitation:
You need to set up an account and schedule your visit at least 24 hours in advance for approval before your visit.
Digital Mail Center:
NO mail larger than a standard size sheet of paper will be accepted!
Bulloch County Jail
Inmates Full Legal Name/ ID# P.O. Box 759 Waycross, GA 31502
Can I deposit money to an inmate's funds online?
Yes. Please click on the following link –
How do I pay for a traffic citation?
To pay a State Court traffic citation you may pay the fine in person at the Bulloch County Clerk of Courts Office at 20 Siebald St. Statesboro, GA or online at the following link: The Clerks Office will accept a money order, cashier’s check, or cash in the exact amount of the fine.
How do I make an anonymous tip?
You can report information to the Sheriff’s Office Crime Suppression Team by calling 912-764-1786 or click here to do so online.
How do I get a copy of my own criminal history for employment purposes?
To complete a criminal history request for your own employment purposes, you must appear at the Sheriff’s Office with this required consent form completed along with the required fee of $20.00 (cashier’s check or money order only). A government issued photo ID is required (driver’s license, passport, etc). Please allow 3-5 business days to complete request. Drop off and pick up hours- 8:00am-4:30pm Monday-Friday!
How do I make a complaint/compliment of an employee?
If you would like to file a complaint about or praise an employee’s conduct, contact Major Neil Casey at 912-764-1748 or email at
I believe my accident/incident report contains errors. Who do I contact?
If you have an issue with the accuracy of a report generated by the Sheriff’s Office, you should first contact the deputy who prepared it. He or she may correct mistakes, but may not make changes that alter the facts as written unless there is a material mistake. The final decision is the responsibility of the deputy who created the report. Reports will not be altered or changed if the information is factually accurate.
How do I apply for a job at the Sheriff's Office?
Job applications may be picked up from the receptionist in the main lobby of the Sheriff’s Office. Once you have completed the application you must return it to the Sheriff’s Office, attention to Chief Deputy Bill Black. If you wish you may click here to print an application.
How do I apply for a Georgia Weapons Carry License?
Please click here to obtain information on obtaining a Georgia Weapons Carry License.
How can I apply for a raffle permit?
To obtain an application for a raffle permit please click here. Raffle applications must be completely filled out and returned in person to the Sheriff’s Office.
How do I register Multipurpose Off-Highway Vehicles?
Click here to find out more information on registering multipurpose off-highway vehicles.
Where can I find information on driving golf carts on the highway?
Click here to find out more information on low speed vehicle requirements.